2023-04-19 06:15 watchdoq

Pulmonologist - Medical specialist who deals with diseases and disorders of the respiratory system, specifically the lungs

Kindly suggest me the best cardiologist and pulmonologist in kolkata for my father.

2023-04-19 06:16 watchdoq

Cardiologist DR Amanul Haque and pulmologist DR Sabyasachi Paul. Both are avail in B M Birla heart Research centre

Dr Raja Dhar/ Dr Partha Sarathi Bhattacharya for Pulmonology
Dr. Suvanan Roy/ Dr. Anjan Siotia/ Dr Dilip Kumar for Interventional Cardiology
Dr. Kunal Sarkar/ Dr. Tapas Raychowdhury for CTVS

Cardiologist -Dr. Kunal Sarkar, Pulmonologist - Dr. Nandini Biswas both in Medica Hospital

Dr. Susruta Bandopadhyay (cardiologist)

Cardiologist dr.sunip Banerjee

2023-04-19 11:16 Leena

Dr. Kunal Sarkar - Medica Hospital Kolkata

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