2023-04-21 08:03 watchdoq

My father had tongue cancer and he received radiotherapy and chemotherapy in Bangladesh. Now I want to go to CMC for follow-up/check-up. But I don't know which doctor would be good for follow-up/check-up of tongue cancer.

2023-04-21 08:06 watchdoq

Dr. Anjona joel

Apollo Proton Chennai
HCG - Bengaluru
American Oncology - Hyderabad
Tata Centre - Kolkata
Tata memorial - Mumbai
Aditya Birla memorial cancer hospital, Pune

Try tata memorial dont go to cmc

Why do you want to go to CMC if it's not a cancer hospital? Choose a specialized cancer hospital or institution where you can start treatment from the very first day. The place you're talking about will take 1-2 months just to get an appointment. And during these 1-2 months, you'll be sitting there hoping for treatment, but your cancer will still be growing every moment. Think carefully and if you don't understand, seek advice from experienced people and get treatment accordingly. Remember, every life is valuable, and your family needs you as much as you need them.

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