2023-04-19 05:47 watchdoq

Where in India would it be good to see a doctor for first stage cancer? Need advice.

2023-04-19 05:48 watchdoq

Tata Memorial hospital Mumbai or Kolkata is really good.

2023-04-19 05:50 watchdoq

CMC - Ashish Singh

2023-04-19 05:51 watchdoq

Best option is Tata Memorial Mumbai but so expensive. 2nd option CMC vellore Dr Ashish Singh Medical oncology department.

2023-04-19 05:52 watchdoq

Dr Sankar Srinivasan, Apollo speciality hospital, Chennai

2023-04-20 18:42

The best doctor for cancer is Dr. Mamin Chandi. He is the god for any level of cancer patients.

2023-04-21 11:53 watchdoq

Yes Dr. Mamin Chandi is one of the best doctor of Tata Medical Kolkata.

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